Priorities During a Pandemic
Many of us are at home. Not on vacation, not by choice. COVID-19 has put us all into circumstances that are unprecedented. For Hickory Dickory Decks, April is the start of a very busy time. We are typically running at 110%. 2020 has brought a very different deck season and a vastly different way of doing things. We continue to work for our customers but with many precautions in place. For our friends and family and customers, we are all in this same boat. So while that new deck may not be something you are in the market for during these difficult times, there are many things that can be done while we wait for better days.
Being stuck at home can make a person feel helpless. Doing something productive makes for a healthier outlook and ultimately can save your mental health. We are all taking the precautions needed to protect ourselves and our families, but what can we do to help others in need? Here is a list of 10 ways to help yourself and those around you:
- Help a neighbour. Make contact with those who live close by. Some are, no doubt, lonely. A phone call can do wonders. Consider venturing out to pick up medications and groceries for those elderly neighbours.
- Going for a walk? Bring a garbage bag and take the opportunity to clean up your route. This may be something that can be picked away at over the next few weeks.
- Give blood. The need for healthy blood supply in Canada never ceases. Giving blood is safe and an opportunity to get out of the house.
- Consider writing letters. For those of us who are removed from most human contact, a letter in the mail can make someone’s day.
- Make masks. Do you sew? Making those much-needed masks that are reusable is a great gift to your local hospital. Many patterns can be found online.
- Donate to your local food bank. With so many unemployed, the food bank will never see more traffic. Food can be purchased, picked up and dropped off all in one shot.
- Provide those much-needed items to someone without access. Wipes, hand soap, antibacterial gel, etc. can be hard to find during this difficult time. Consider sharing.
- If you find yourself with time on your hands, take advantage of it. Get stuff done. Take a look around your own household and make a list of small items that can be taken care of while you wait out the pandemic. Busy hands make a clear mind.
- Make an effort to remain positive. Attitude is everything. A good attitude will help you to stay healthy and can bolster those around you.
- While physical affection is non-existent in our communities, if you are at home with a loved one, give a hug, take a hug. It’s safe and needed.
Hickory Dickory Decks wants our communities to know that we are here with you in these difficult times, and our hope is that we all come out of this pandemic with a renewed love for those around us and a greater appreciation for life. This may be our hard-fought reward at the end of the day.