How Long Does it Take for a Contractor to Build a Deck?
When you’ve hired a contractor to build a deck for your home, you may be wondering how long it will take to complete your project. While there are many factors to consider when determining how long it will take to build your deck, your contractor should be able to provide an estimate of time.
Planning and Permits
The part of the process that often takes the longest is not the actual building of the deck but the planning, designing, and applying for permits. Planning the placement of your deck and applying for the appropriate permits needed can be time-consuming. If your deck requires a permit, allocating at least a month to obtain the proper drawings and issued permit is realistic. Some municipalities may take longer, and you can expect delays if a variance is required.
Size of the Deck
The size of the deck being built will also impact how quickly it can be built. Understandably, a deck that’s of a smaller size will take less time than a grand, multi-level deck.
Design and Complexity
Having a single-level deck, 16-24’’ off the ground will take far less time to design and build than a multiple-level deck, a deck to surround a pool, incorporates a roof structure, or features an intricate design.
If you want the deck to be completed quickly, the simpler the design, the quicker it can (likely) be completed.
Are you doing a traditional wood deck or are you using another material like composite to build it? Depending on the contractor you decide to use, they should be able to advise you which products may be a special order and thus have longer wait times. They should also let you know of any lumber shortages and offer other products if this is the case.
Time of Year
Summer is the best time to build a deck, as builders usually encounter fewer weather delays. If your deck is being started in early spring, be prepared to wait until the ground thaws enough so that your post holes can be installed. Although summer is the best time to build, the best time to buy is in the off-season so that you can arrange an installation date that works for you.
Additions to the Deck
If you’re thinking about having a deck built around a pool or hot tub or ending on a patio, these considerations can take extra time during the planning and building process. If you don’t already have the pool, hot tub or patio and it needs to be installed, this can also cause a delay in having the deck project started.
It’s important to remember that there isn’t a standard timeline when it comes to building a deck. Each deck, and the desired results of the homeowner, are going to be different. There are a lot of variables – like weather and material availability – that are out of the contractor’s control and can cause significant delays in the process.
Skill & Experience
One other factor that must be considered is the skill and experience of the deck builder. When you hire a contractor to build your deck, they will be able to provide you with an estimate of how long it will take for your specific project to be completed.