• 30 years of service

Happy Anniversary to Us!

July 25th, 2017|

It's not every day a business finds itself in the happy place of celebrating 30 years in business. Hickory Dickory Decks is delighted to be meeting this milestone. We've come a long way baby! With Tom Jacques, fresh [...]

  • clean deck

Clear the deck

November 18th, 2015|

Fall is upon us and winter will soon be here. Time to put your deck to bed. Although you may find uses for your deck in the winter like barbecuing, your beloved deck or [...]

  • cedar deck

To Stain or Not to Stain

September 15th, 2015|

While having a backyard deck that looks like the hardwood inside your home is ideal, it's not realistic and staining your deck can be more hassle than it's worth. Many decks are made from [...]

The Widest Selection of Decking Products

Over 40,000 Beautiful
Custom Built Decks

Canada’s Largest Composite/PVC Deck Builder

The Deck Book

Featuring over 250 full-color photos with descriptions of numerous low-maintenance composite decks and backyard designs!